Are you still trying to decide what you want to be when you grow up ~ and you’re over 30?
Maybe you want to change careers but you’re unsure of where to start? This package includes a very different type of career assessment that uses visual tools instead of text to help you sort out your career interests.
Whether you can’t seem to identify what you’re really good at or you have too many interests, figuring out what you really want for your future is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself.
We’ll also help you explore your options and gain clarity on your career path. You’ll gain an understanding of what’s been holding you back and an action plan to help you achieve the results you desire!
“At a time in my life where I most needed to find a new direction, working with Chris was just the right answer. Her coaching helped me stay on task, be accountable for my own progress and, most importantly, be true to myself. We all need a vision that aligns with our values and propels us forward. With Chris, I am now clear on what my vision is” – Evelyn Mantilla
”Ms. Pallotti is a fantastic professional who brings all the skills and expertise in everything that she does. It was a pleasure meeting her again during her recent workshop and learning more about Resumes. I would strongly recommend anyone who is looking for career guidance collaborate with her. You will not regret it.
— Kristina Qerama (UCONN School of Law Alumna)
Maybe you’ve been busy raising your family, caring for an elderly relative, or because of a layoff or termination and haven’t gotten traction on your job search, we can help. Whether your past employment is not viable or no longer holds your interest, or your self-confidence needs a boost, we understand the hurdle you face and can help you turn things around.
This package will give you the necessary skills for a new job search strategy and work with you to reframe your past experience to show your value to employers.
“Chris does what I like to call Laser Coaching. Within ten minutes she listened, sorted, clarified, and delivered to me the most important items for me to negotiate in an important consulting engagement. It was miraculous and completely on target.
— Bill Paglia-Scheff